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What Is Bio-Electricity And How It Is Generated?

Bio-Electricity: A type of  electrical potential and current which is generated within a living being especially due to muscle and nerves, is called Bioelectricity. These bioelectric potentials are caused due to a large variety of biological processes that keeps occurring within a body of the living organism. While an electrical eel generates a current of about 1 ampere at 600 to 1000 volts, humans generate one to a few hundred millivolts, you cannot see the bio-electricity by naked eyes. Alterations can be done, but any severe alternation in the bioelectricity of human beings would lead to heart attacks and paralysis.

Bioelectricity is measured in Qi, which is expressed in the terms of interactions of electrons. Resting potential is the bioelectric potential across a cell membrane that is typically about 50 millivolts. Cells use this bioelectric potential to control and assist metabolic processes, whereas some cells use if for different physiological functions. Bioelectricity is the only type of electricity which involves no electrician for any of its functions or defects.

We got a brief outlook on what exactly bioelectricity means. But how is it generated is the question now? Let us discuss on how it is generated:

Bioelectricity is also caused due to few factors like:

Not only in humans, bioelectricity can also be found in animals in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). It is found by the biologists that the ATP in animals can be either have positive or negative charge or can be neutral. Various fishes like the stargazers, the knife fish of Latin America and electric catfish of Africa uses their bioelectric potential as sense organs for the detection of other fishes. This is due to the development of special organs which are capable of discharging substantial electric fields.

In more than 200 species of fishes, the bioelectric organs are used as sense organized to hunt and defend themselves. But in few fishes like electrical eel, electrical ray and torpedo the bioelectrical organs are such powerful that they can kill or immobilize the prey. If you are immobilized by any of these fishes, then you will not need an emergency electrician, but a doctor.


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