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An Introduction To Sleep Apnea Implant Therapy

Most of the people are not even aware they are suffering from sleep apnea, as it is not possible to detect it during regular doctor visits or through blood tests, until prompted by a family member. During this serious condition the muscles located in airway tend to get relaxed when you sleep, becoming close or narrow down and this further obstructs the flow of oxygen to the brain.

In simple words sleep apnea refers to a condition in which a person experiences shallow breaths or pauses in breathing during sleep. The duration of these pauses can vary from some seconds to several minutes, usually occurring thirty or more times in one hour. Normal breathing resumes after each pause, generally accompanied by chocking sound or loud snort.

The adverse impact of this condition is not only limited to disrupted sleep, as it can lead to plenty of other health related disorders as well. Stroke, depression, headaches,­­­ high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart failure are some other conditions a sleep apnea sufferer might experience. At the same time it can affect a person’s ability to perform daily activities, such as driving, studying etc.

Fortunately, the problem of sleep apnea can be treated in many ways, the most effective and preferred method among which is the use of sleep apnea implant. The implantable therapy is considered highly useful in treating the condition of OSA, or Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In this specially designed therapy, required muscle tone is delivered to the primary tongue muscles, which controls the flow in upper airway, thus decreasing and even eliminating the problem of sleep apnea.

This also serves a great alternative to another commonly used treatment option, known as CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, in which the patient is required to wear a nasal or face mask when going to sleep. With the help of a pump, this mask ensures constant air flow to nasal passages, thus keeping the airway open. Conversely, using sleep apnea implant gives the sufferers freedom from wearing any mask, mouthpiece or hose.

The implant used to treat this condition is similar to cardiac pacemaker in terms of its working. However, while the latter is used to send pulses to heart, the implant works by sending mild pulses to nerves, called hypoglossal, which are located in the neck, and serves the objective by ensuring open airway throughout sleep.

The benefits of this implantation therapy are many. It is a very simple procedure usually performed by an ENT surgeon. Less invasive, this procedure is reversible as well and does to cause any side effects or affects swallowing or speech. Moreover, it helps to restore your sleeping patterns, which are disturbed due to pauses in breathing. As mentioned earlier, lack of any masks or hoses, ensures that you sleep well and do not get bothered by anything connected to you during sleep.  

It is crucial to diagnose and treat this problem without any delay to resume a normal and healthy lifestyle. A great respite for people suffering from the condition of sleep apnea, these implants emerge as a revolutionary remedy.

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